Notes from the Middle

Blog Denee Bowers Blog Denee Bowers

Books for Mom

This will be my third Mother's Day as a mom and I think it might be the most complicated holiday we have.

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Blog Denee Bowers Blog Denee Bowers

Advent Reflections from a Toddler Mom

Advent is here. One of my favorite times of year in church. For four weeks the Church waits, prepares, and anticipates the coming of Jesus. We remember the birth of Jesus 2,000 years ago and look ahead to his eventual return.

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Blog Denee Bowers Blog Denee Bowers

Waiting for 700

It’s been a wild summer, and I had accepted the fact that we probably wouldn’t make it to Busch Stadium to take in a baseball game this year. When the invite did come, around Labor Day, it was a total surprise.

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Blog Denee Bowers Blog Denee Bowers

Fall Reading List

Call me basic, but fall is without a doubt my favorite season of the year. Fall reading can look like a lot of different things, but it typically makes me think of doorstop novels, family stories (especially if food plays a role), and non-fiction that really makes me think.

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Blog Denee Bowers Blog Denee Bowers

See You at the Fair

If I had to describe why summer after summer I find myself drawn back to Hillsboro for Old Settler’s (on a Wednesday and a Thursday, no less) I would start with a fish sandwich.

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Blog Denee Bowers Blog Denee Bowers

Figuring Out Our Space

The two boxes in the hall outside the kitchen are probably the most annoying. They’re filled with baby bibs we don’t use, shot glasses we rarely drink out of, and cups. So. Many. Cups.

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Blog Denee Bowers Blog Denee Bowers

Mattress on the Floor

Just like our first night, we spent our last night in our first house sleeping on a mattress on the floor. The first time it was because our bedframe couldn’t make the tight turn up the stairs.

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Blog Denee Bowers Blog Denee Bowers

No worries!

If you are in need of gift ideas for me (my birthday is coming up in August), might I suggest a t-shirt that says “Easy Breezy.” If I have a super power, it is probably “not rocking the boat.”

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Blog Denee Bowers Blog Denee Bowers

Summer as a Kid

According to meteorologists, summer will begin on June 21. In my heart, though, it has already begun.

I’m so excited. Honestly, I’ve been excited for a few weeks now. As soon as temperatures hit 90 degrees in St. Louis I was ready.

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